by Serob Abrahamian
We all know that about a century ago when the Armenian Genocide was taking place, Armenians fled around the world. Some escaped to the Middle East, some to Europe, some to the Americas, and others elsewhere. Today there…
Thousands of protesters gathered in front of the Turkish Consulate in Los Angeles today to demand justice for the Armenian Genocide as part of the 24 Hours of Action organized by the Armenian Youth Federation.
On Sunday, April 27, the Armenian Youth Federation San Fernando Valley “Sardarabad” Chapter will be hosting its 6th annual Cycle Against Denial, a bike-a-thon organized in an effort to raise awareness about the Armenian Genocide.
The annual Armenian Genocide Commemoration event in Burbank will be held on Tuesday, April 22, at Burbank City Hall and at the ACF Burbank Youth Center.
The Armenian Youth Federation will be holding 24 Hours of Action to demand justice for the Armenian Genocide starting at 2 p.m. on April 24 in front of the Turkish Consulate in Los Angeles.